Tuesday, June 22, 2010

the load of soul

"Γιατί είναι τόσο μεγάλα τα φτερά για το σώμα σου;" ρώτησε το μυρμήγκι την πεταλούδα

"Πολλοί με λένε και ψυχή, κι αυτό έχει μεγάλο βάρος", του απάντησε. (Λουδοβίκος των Ανωγείων)

διάφανη πεταλούδα σε μωβ λουλούδι

Η μέλισσα κι ο άγγελος - Λουδοβίκος των Ανωγείων

Μια μέλισσα καθώς μπαινόβγαινε
στα άνθη του κάμπου, είδε έναν άγγελο
να κάθεται στη σκιά του πεύκου
λευκοντυμένος, με μακριά μαύρα μαλλιά.

-Είσαι ένας άγγελος του Θεού;
-Είμαι ένας άγγελος του Θεού.
-Και είσαι αγόρι ή κορίτσι;
-Δεν είμαι, είπεν ο άγγελος
και γύρισε αλλού το κεφάλι.
-Ούτε κι εγώ είμαι,όμως θέλω να σε ρωτήσω
εκεί στους ουρανούς που γυρνάς,
τον έρωτα τον έχεις δει; Πώς είναι;
-Ένας κλέφτης!
Από σένα πήρε το κεντρί και το μέλι,
κι από μένα τα φτερά, μέλισσά μου !

Ερως και ψυχή- γλυπτό του Αντόνιο Κανόβα

Friday, June 4, 2010

How to climb mountains, P. Coelho

….Learn from someone who has been there before

However unique you may think you are, there is always someone who has had the same dream before, and who will have left signs behind that will make the climb less arduous: the best place to attach a rope, trodden paths, branches broken off to make it easier to pass. It is your climb and it is your responsibility too, but never forget that other people’s experiences are always helpful.

Dangers, seen from close to, are controllable

When you start to climb the mountain of your dreams, pay attention to what is around yo. There are, of course, precipices. There are almost imperceptible cracks. There are stones polished so smooth by rain and wind that they have become as slippery as ice. But if you know where you are putting your foot, you will see any traps and be able to avoid them.

…. Be prepared to go the extra mile

The distance to the top of the mountain is always greater than you think. There is bound to come to a moment when what seemed close is still very far away. But since you are prepared to go still further, this should not be a problem.

…. Make a promise

Now that you have discovered a strength you did not even know you had, tell yourself that you will use it for the rest of your days; promise yourself, too, to discover another mountain and set off on a new adventure.