Monday, March 8, 2010

“21 grams” the movie, by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

“How many lives do we live?

How many times do we die?

They say we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of our death. Everyone!

And how much fits into 21 grams?

How much is lost? When do we lose 21 grams?

How much goes with them? How much is gained?

The weight of a hummingbird!

How much the 21 grams weight?”

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Τα γόνατα του Ιησού

Καρφωμένα στ’ αγριόξυλο του σταυρού, σχηματίζουν
μι’ αμβλεία γωνία.
Είναι τα ίδια τα γόνατα
που προβάτιζαν, παίζοντας, γύρω από το κόκκινο
φουστάνι της μάνας του, όταν
ήτανε βρέφος δέκα μηνών.
Που αργότερα, έφηβος, τ’ ακούμπαγε κάτω
στη γη πριονίζοντας το ξύλο ενός κέδρου.
Που λύθηκαν κι έπεσαν, ένας σωρός,
-μια νύχτα που η άνοιξη ήταν αβάσταγη
και μύριζε η γης κι ο ουρανός λεμονάνθι-
στο Όρος των Ελαιών.
Κι είναι ακόμη τα γόνατα
που κάθιζε, αμίλητος, δυο δυο τα παιδιά
κι απλώνοντας δίπλα του, πάνω στη γη,
το απέραντο χέρι του, τα φίλευεν
ένα λουλουδάκι-
από τον πλούτο του σύμπαντος.
Νικηφόρος Βρεττάκος

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paulo Coelho (in “Like a flowing river” )

…The boy was walking to buy bread when the mayor of the city crossed the street.
‘The reason he is so powerful, is because, he’s made pact with the devil,’ a very devout woman in the street told the boy, and he was intrigued.
Some time later, when travelling to another town, the boy saw a beautiful corn field. He asked who the owner was as soon as he arrived at his destination
‘All this land belongs to the same man. I’d say the Devil had a hand in that.’ – answered someone.
Later the same day, a beautiful woman walked past the boy.
‘That woman is in the services of Satan!’ cried a preacher angrily.
From then on, the boy decided to seek the Devil out. One day he managed to see him face to face.
‘They say you can make people powerful, rich, and beautiful.’
‘Not really,’ replied the Devil. ‘You have just been listening to the views of those who are trying to promote me.’
(... creation of Adam, detail)